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Used for thousands of years in China, acupressure applies the same principles as acupuncture to promote relaxation and wellness and to treat disease. Sometimes called pressure acupuncture, Acupressure is often thought of as simply acupuncture without the needles. 

What Is the Theory Behind Acupressure?

Acupressure is just one of a number of Asian bodywork therapies (ABT) with roots in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). Examples of other Asian bodywork therapies are medical qigong and Tuina. Shiatsu is a Japanese form of acupressure.

Traditional Chinese medical theory describes special acupoints, or acupressure points, that lie along meridians, or channels, in your body. These are the same energy meridians and acupoints as those targeted with acupuncture. It is believed that through these invisible channels flows vital energy — or a life force called qi (ch’i). It is also believed that these 12 major meridians connect specific organs or networks of organs, organizing a system of communication throughout your body. The meridians begin at your fingertips, connect to your brain, and then connect to an organ associated with a certain meridian.

According to this theory, when one of these meridians is blocked or out of balance, illness can occur. Acupressure and acupuncture are among the types of TCM that are thought to help restore balance.

This treatment consists of:

– Clinical History (1st Session)
– Acupressure: Medical massage located in affected areas, depending on the ailment, is commonly applied to muscular problems in the back, neck, shoulders, arms, hands, legs, stomach, face.

After making the complete diagnosis and treatment, the patient is given the protocol to follow as the case may be.

– Continuous treatment. Most times, at least 6 therapies should be performed.

– Monitoring and control of treatment with weekly and gradually monthly therapies according to the patient’s evolution.

*Trusted Source: WebMD

How Does Acupressure Work?

Acupressure practitioners use their fingers, palms, elbows or feet, or special devices to apply pressure to acupoints on the body’s meridians. Sometimes, acupressure also involves stretching or acupressure massage, as well as other methods.

During an acupressure session, you lie fully clothed on a soft massage table or on the floor mattress. The practitioner gently presses on acupressure points on your body. A session typically lasts about one hour. You may need several sessions for the best results.

The goal of acupressure or other types of Asian bodywork is to restore health and balance to the body’s channels of energy and to regulate opposing forces of yin (negative energy) and yang (positive energy). Some proponents claim acupressure not only treats the energy fields and body but also the mind, emotions, and spirit. Some even believe that therapists can transmit the vital energy (external qi) to another person.

*Trusted Sourse: WebMD

How do pressure points work?<br />

The practice of using pressure points falls under the disciplines of acupressure and reflexology, which study how one part of the human body relates to another. 

According to those who practice acupressure, applying the appropriate touch to the body can energize and restore health to other body parts, including internal organs if you’re feeling tired or have a disease.

*Trusted Sourse: Healthline.com