(+20) 155 139 7643 Hurghada - (+20) 106 756 5159 Cairo contact@reflexivatherapy.com


One of our most basic needs as human beings is real, authentic, meaningful connections with other people.  Studies have shown that people with healthy friendships and relationships have greater emotional well-being, live healthier lives, and even have longer life expectancies!

The ability to show empathy, compassion and genuine concern for another person is how we would define Emotional Support.

Emotional support is born out of real, authentic relationships with other people.  In healthy friendships and relationships, it is a two-way street; both people in the relationship give and receive emotional support freely.

Emotional support is a vital component of a healthy relationship and indicates that a relationship is deeper and more meaningful than a casual acquaintance.  True, meaningful relationships are characterized by mutual and unconditional emotional support.

We will support you management of emotions by means of preparation of BACH FLOWERS REMEDIES and its supposed conversational accompaniment, after studying and knowing your case specifically and preparing the corrective and effective protocol especially for you.

You deserve peace and tranquility in your life.

Consultation Modes:
– Face-to-face consultation (60-90 mins)
– Online Consultation via Skype, Messenger or Viber (60-90 mins)


– Clinical History (1st Session)
The main focus based on Bach Flowers and conversation sessions to improve your Emotional State.

After making the complete diagnosis and treatment, the patient is given the protocol to follow as the case may be.
– Continuous treatment, follow up every 3 weeks.
– Monitoring and control of treatment every 3 weeks, probably accompanied by therapies that complement the process as the case may be.

*Trusted Source: mental-illness-resources.com

Disease of the body itself is nothing but the result of the disharmony between soul and mind. Remove the disharmony, and we regain harmony between soul and mind, and the body is once more perfect in all its parts.’  Dr. Edward Bach

Emotional Support through BACH FLOWERS

Bach flower remedies are an alternative or complementary treatment that is used for emotional problems and pain. They’re made out of watered-down extracts from the flowers of wild plants.

Dr. Bach’s Original Flower Remedies, a system of 38 Flower Remedies to help mankind achieve joy and happiness.

Edward Bach, a medical doctor and homeopath, created these remedies in the early 1900s. Homeopathy is the belief that the body can cure itself. It uses small amounts of natural substances like plants and minerals to treat the body or mind. The idea behind Bach flower remedies is similar to homeopathy. But they use fewer materials and don’t work directly on physical symptoms, but instead on the emotions.

Bach believed that healing negative emotions helps the body heal itself. His system contains 38 remedies that each address a specific negative emotion. The emotions are grouped into seven broad psychological causes of illness:

  • Fear
  • Uncertainty
  • Lack of interest in present circumstances
  • Loneliness
  • Oversensitivity to influences and ideas
  • Sadness or despair
  • Cares for others at the expense of self

*Trusted Source: webmd.com

Why We support with Bach Flowers

Because The Bach Flower Remedies can heal all emotional imbalances such as, anger, stress, anxiety, trauma, depression, children’s nightmares, separation anxiety, adjustment issues, bullying, lack of self-esteem and everything in between.

The Remedies also sooth the soul naturally during major transitions such as divorce, death, homesickness, menopause and the teenage years.

We can provide you Consultation in our Center, as well as ONLINE Session, with the following sessions to guarantee you the good and effective process of a companion, doing amazing work together.

Let's Talk about it....